About Us
Combase’s founder Michael Bailey created the first version of our software in an attempt to help his local hospice. After finding out their struggles with finding reliable and efficient lottery software he set out to build a CRM that suited their needs.
Combase continues to follow this tradition supplying bespoke software for all of its clients and offering some of the most advanced developments in the industry. Combase is committed to ingenuity and quality design to help its users fund-raise better. With a vast range of services to offer its clients Combase is the only lottery software that gives its clients the tools to raise their revenue using its modules.
Developments like Combase's superdraw and Pattern pricing modules actually increase revenue for it clients, giving you a more diverse and flexible offering for their customers.
Lotteries have been an excellent source of fundraising within the UK charity industry for decades but very little has changed in the design and offering for them. Combase has made it its mission to change this and work on new and exciting ways for its clients to raise funds through its lotteries.